Remember when I used to photograph all my food, every single day? Well, if not, here’s a trip down memory lane. Yesterday I snapped shots of everything I ate…and it’s not all that exciting. Every single day of the work week I eat oats (the whole grain but quick cook kind) + hot chocolate mix+ banana. Maybe one day I’ll branch out and try making this bowl with real cocoa powder, but for now, I’ll keep the cashiers at Target guessing why I buy 10 boxes of Swiss Miss at once.

I usually eat between 8:30 – 9:15, after checking my work emails and getting settled. Then it’s work, work and more work until noon. Yes, noon on the dot because I can’t seem to eat lunch any later than then. On the weekends, meal times have no real significance, but at work, if I’m not eating by 12:30, my body and brain are freaking out. Lunch yesterday was leftover pasta, minus the goat cheese but plus half a chicken sausage. I usually eat straight out of the Tupperware but since I brought arugula to go along, my meal got plated.

Is it just me, or is lunch the hardest meal to plan? Ever since I started making enough food at dinner to have leftovers, I’ve been eating much better at lunchtime. I’ve cut out Lean Cuisines completely, which used to be a staple, and I only eat peanut butter sandwiches on the rare days I’m not prepared with some kind of extra food in my fridge.

I took a break afterwards for a little fresh air. I rarely go out to lunch because of the cost and the calories. I’d much rather save my meals “out” for times when I’m not sitting at a computer. But, if I don’t get out of the office at all, I start to go stir crazy around 3 or 4PM. So I’m trying very hard to take at least a quick trip outside, even if just for 15 minutes. After I got back, I had a coffee-flavored ginger chew while browsing some magazines for work. I am not a fan of the coffee ones but I love, love the original ginger chews!

All my work eats are shared with two lovely ladies: Julia and Fergie. What, does your office not have framed magazine covers hanging every three feet?

Yesterday was a weirdly dramatic day. Not to get into too many details, but two girls in my office had a big disagreement, which ended in some very unprofessional yelling. Then I had to go into a meeting with my boss to discuss it, and everyone was walking on eggshells all day. Our office is super small, and you can literally hear every single person’s conversation, which makes any type of drama very awkward.

I was stuck at work until 7PM but luckily had some salted cucumbers to tide me over. I saved these from lunch, thank goodness.

When I finally peaced out for the night, I went home to feed my cat and do a few things around the apartment. Then I headed to Malibu and made myself a really simple wok of food: tofu, snap peas, onions, rice noodles and a ton of Szechuan sauce. Too much sauce actually, because the bowl was so spicy it left my mouth and lips burning.

After dinner, the boy and I watched Steve Carell’s last episode of The Office. I can’t imagine the show without him on it! Hopefully they’ll be able to find someone great to keep the show’s awkwardly funny moments going. I had my favorite chocolate/chocolate chip gelato to “celebrate.”

I say “celebrate” in quotes because I’d eat this whether I was cheering on Michael Scott or not. It’s honestly a bit addictive.

There you have it! I’ll basically be repeating yesterday today, hopefully with less drama and more gelatto. Happy Friday!