Sunday night, the roommate and I made some of our food for the week so we wouldn’t have to do too much late night cooking. We made broccoli soup, miso soup broth and chicken w/marinade. That night we had the broccoli soup. We made enough to eat it again Monday night, so you will see the pics later in this post!

Day 2 kicked off with lots of water and herbal tea, followed by a smoothie breakfast.  This smoothie had blueberries, ice, vanilla whey protein, and unsweetened almond milk.  The ice really added volume and I ended up with TWO water bottles full!


Mid-morning, I had some coconut water from Vita Coco.  I was pleasantly surprised by this and really liked the taste. Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk) has a whole list of benefits, including 5 essential electrolytes (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous). I am planning to drink one of these every day for the rest of the week! The only problem is the price…$2 each for these guys!


Lunch was chicken and spinach.  Julia made a great teriyaki marinade without any sugar or soy.


Following lunch, I munched on a few sunflower & pumpkin seeds.


Late afternoon snack was a serving of our kickass miso soup! All I had to do was add miso paste to our pre-made broth, heat, and eat.  I will definitely be eating this again this week.  Here’s the serving size:


A close up of the shitake mushrooms and wakame!


Then I tossed in the watercress, which wilts into the soup when it’s hot. Actually, this was dryland cress, since Whole Foods was out of watercress. LOL I love those two names.


After work, I went to the gym to take a sauna. I did about 25 minutes to help sweat out some of the toxins and then went home. Tonight I might try for some yoga, but last night I just wasn’t feeling up to it. Dinner was a repeat of Sunday night’s soup! Seriously, this came out SO GOOD! Into the pot went broccoli, onion, garlic, S & P, arugula, basil, lemon, and 1 tbsp olive oil to sautee. 


Add water and a blender and you get this:


We added cilantro to the top for a tiny extra kick! I thought this soup turned out amazing and will definitely keep making it!

Day 2 down, 5 to go 🙂